Common Proficiency Test - CPT
Students who wish to take up the CA. course will have to go through an entry level test named Common Proficiency Test (CPT). Any student may register himself with the Institute for CPT after passing Class 10th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto.
An enrolled or registered student can appear in CPT after he / she has passed or already appeared in the Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) conducted by an examining body recognized by Central Government and after completion of specified period (i.e., 60 days) from the date of registration for CPT with the Board of Studies.
The prescribed subjects of study for the Common Proficiency Test are as under :-
- Fundamentals of Accounting
- Mercantile Law
- General Economics
- Quantitative Aptitude
The test is totally based on Objective Type Questions with provision of negative marking. The test is of 200 marks and is conducted in two sessions of two hours each with a short break in between :-
Session First
It contains hundred questions of Objective Type. And each question carries one mark. These hundred questions are further divided into two sections viz.
- Section A: Fundamentals of Accounting (60 questions and 60 marks).
- Section B: Mercantile Law (40 questions and 40 marks).
Session Second
It also contains hundred questions of Objective Type and each question carries one mark. These hundred questions are further divided into two sections viz.
- Section C: General Economics (50 questions and 50 marks).
- Section D: Quantitative Aptitude (50 questions and 50 marks).
The passing grade for CPT is 100 marks out of 200. CPT exams are held in June and December in paper pencil mode. On-line CPT exams are also conducted periodically. It is notable that for each wrong answer, 0 .25 marks will be deducted and time limit for attempting hundred questions is two hours in each session. The percentage required to pass CPT is 50%. In other words, an enrolled student has to obtain minimum 100 marks to pass the CPT. Also, students need to score minimum of 30% marks in each of the test areas mentioned above.The level of knowledge required in CPT is basic. So the examinees are advised to prepare each subject on the basis of deep and intense study of the syllabus prescribed by the ICAL. They should go through the contents thoroughly and systematically.